Productivity Intelligence: a 3D analysis of Technical, Economical and Social data

At academic conferences on software measurement and analysis, I feel  frustrated when I discover the software metric adopted by analysts. They tend to evaluate software development productivity using SLOC as a metric.

The reason for this is almost always the same: we need data, large amounts of data: the only available and reliable data are SLOC. Which is the correlation between SLOC and software development? The number of lines of code per day?… Read the rest

Naturally curious

Talking about nature also means getting back to roots – to one’s own roots. Here, my father’s role matters! Today he would have been little more than 101 years old. I have two particular memories of him, which I’ll share with you here.

When I was a child, getting home from school, he used to ask me if I was “the first in my class”. When I was a boy and a boy-scout troop leader, he used to ask me if I was “commander-in-chief ”.… Read the rest

Everything has a price, nothing is free

Some thoughts on the concept of value, for innovators: an example of reverse-thinking

Time ago I listened to a talk by Vito Mancuso, a famous Italian theologian, about “Io e Dio” (God and I). Quite an unusual topic for me. Nevertheless, I’ve extracted a reflection from it that, after some time, I wish to take up again here.


Roughly speaking, the explanation for this concept resides in human nature that, in comparison with other natural and biological species, can be depicted as an entity built on various layers (a classification approach similar to the one adopted in Information Technology). … Read the rest

My list of next events in 2013 on open source, big data and software quality.

Here is the list of the next events in which I’m participating in 2013 with different roles: as the founder of the SpagoWorld initiative, as a division director within Engineering Group’s Innovation and Research Department or as the President of OW2 Consortium. Even if I’ll probably not attend all these events, you’ll have the opportunity to meet people working closely with me. They are great events, so I encourage you to come.… Read the rest