Openness as the engine for Digital Innovation

This is the transcript of my talk given on May 28th, 2016 at the MBA PART-TIME of Bologna Business School.

Slide 1: Subtitle of this talk is “a journey with three words”.

Slide 2: Every word has a specific meaning. Do terms “individual” and “person” have the same meaning? Are they equivalent? If we have two different words, we have two different meanings, for sure. Individual term comes from Latin “individuus”, meaning undivided, unique, an entity different from the others.… Read the rest

The need to constantly keep in touch with your communities

Here is the list of the events in which I’m participating in the fourth quarter of 2014. If you come, I’ll be very pleased to meet you. Main reason for participation is my need to keep in touch with my communities. This means: keep updated with what’s going on, contribute as you can and, mainly, meet people and prospects, strengthen relationships, and make new friends.

The first event was inspired by an open contribution supporting educational activities.… Read the rest

Proud to be three times OSI member

Recently I had the privilege to appear in the Member Profile section of the Open Source Initiative newsletter because I am the first person to be three-time OSI member in one go. As I serve OW2 community as a director, I’m the reference contact for OSI as OW2 Associate member. As the director of Engineering Group’s Open Source Competence Center, I’m the reference contact for OSI as a corporate sponsor.… Read the rest

Orgoglioso di essere tre volte affiliato ad OSI

Ho di recente avuto l’onore di comparire nella sezione Member Profile della newsletter di Open Source Initiative perché sono il primo membro ad essere affiliato per ben tre volte! Come direttore del consorzio OW2, sono il riferimento nel ruolo di OW2 Associate member. Come direttore del Centro di Competenza Open Source di Engineering, sono affiliato come corporate sponsor. Infine, all’ultima conferenza OSCON di Portland mi sono associato come individual member.… Read the rest

Ten years of SpagoWorld

The following is the entire text of an interview – whose synthesis is in video here – given in February 2014 by Gabriele Ruffatti, director of Engineering’s Open Source Competence Centre, about the Open Source experience of Engineering, 10 years since the launch of SpagoWorld. You can find the Italian version here.

Open Source Software: is it still relevant?

Open source has just turned 16 years if we make its date of founding coincide with that of the Open Source Initiative which, in 1998, established the definition of Open Source and created the list of “approved” licences.… Read the rest