Dieci anni di SpagoWorld

Quello che segue è il testo completo di un’intervista del Febbraio 2014, la cui sintesi è apparsa in video, a Gabriele Ruffatti, direttore del Centro di Competenza Open Source di Engineering, sull’esperienza di Engineering nell’Open Source, a 10 anni dal lancio di Spago World.

Il testo dell’intervista in Inglese è qui.

Open Source Software: ancora attuale?

L’open source ha compiuto da poco 16 anni, se facciamo coincidere la sua data di fondazione con quella della Open Source Initiative che nel 1998 ha stabilito la definizione di Open Source ed ha creato la lista di licenze “approvate”.… Read the rest

My list of next events in 2013 on open source, big data and software quality.

Here is the list of the next events in which I’m participating in 2013 with different roles: as the founder of the SpagoWorld initiative, as a division director within Engineering Group’s Innovation and Research Department or as the President of OW2 Consortium. Even if I’ll probably not attend all these events, you’ll have the opportunity to meet people working closely with me. They are great events, so I encourage you to come.… Read the rest

An open platform for digital economy

Some days ago I had the opportunity to give a lesson at ALMA Graduate School in Bologna (Italy), within the Master in Business Administration of the Information Systems course by prof. Danilo Montesi. It’s an annual appointment for me, in which I’m honoured to participate as a testimonial.

This is a real opportunity to launch new messages, encourage new ideas, and keep in touch with the next generation of managers and entrepreneurs.… Read the rest

What’s a Big Data platform?

Actually, I’ve no complete answer to this question. However I know that a Big Data platform should help us to address emerging and future – partially unknown – needs, as well as to start solving present issues.

First of all we need to get a clear insight into the big data context. This blog may be helpful to this purpose.

Shaku Atre sets up a framework of rules to help define a Big Data System: the Top Ten Rules of Big Data Systems.… Read the rest