Innovazione fa rima con condivisione e partecipazione (ma non solo)


[Questo articolo è stato pubblicato il 10 ottobre 2018 nella rivista digitale TechEconomy.]

“L’esperienza è il tipo di insegnante più difficile: prima ti fa l’esame, poi ti spiega la lezione.” (Oscar Wilde)

Per vent’anni ho costruito e guidato team di consulenza e sviluppo di software innovativo. Tutto è accaduto in modo progressivo, senza progettare come questo doveva avvenire, ma seguendo un processo di adattamento costante al contesto ed alle situazioni.… Read the rest

Key values of Open Source Software: are they still relevant?

I’m leaving for the U.S.A. and going there as a supporter of open source software and SpagoBI, with a focus on Industry and Federal Government. Would you like to meet me? You just have a few days left to register: do it now!

Now, I’m going to advocate neither for the Open Source suite for Business Intelligence and Big Data analytics – a full SpagoBI Labs team will give you all information there – nor for OW2 community, which enforces the full open source maturity and availability of the suite.… Read the rest

Radical Open Source – Economics

A long time ago I wrote my first post on Radical Openness.

I promised to post something more about the Economics lying behind the Radical Openness approach, even though it is  quite a challenge for me. As both an industrial IT manager and a representative of open source communities, when dealing with open source projects I’m on the borderline between looking for their prompt success – based also on  monetary returns to grant their sustainability – and maintaining a radical open approach.… Read the rest

Radical Openness

Next Ted Global 2012 is going to address Radical Openness. They say: “The world is becoming increasingly interconnected and open. Radically open — manifesting itself in open borders, open culture, open-source, open data, open science, open world, open minds. With the loss of privacy that it implies, openness carries its own dangers. But it breeds transparency, authenticity, creativity and collaboration.”

I think that now it’s the right time to collect some ideas, effective suggestions and to move a step forward!… Read the rest