Open Source SOA for Internet of Services: Spagic success story

Spagic has contributed to the development of the MyFestival project, which enables the participants to organize their own participation in the Festival of Economics in Trento, thanks to an electronic agenda that is accessible by a web connection and a mobile phone.

Festival of Economics in Trento is a key meeting in Italy, aiming to debate about Economics, Information, social impacts and correlated topics. Its fifth edition, taking place from 3rd to 6th June 2010, offers a great agenda including four days of debates, meetings and lessons, offering the opportunity to discuss and understand which are the circumstances that usually foster the economic growth and that, at the same time, allow to face and avoid recessions.… Read the rest

Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value – Part II: keyfactor #1 – the organizational context

In my previous post Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value Part II: the right approach, my conclusion focused on four key-factors. The first one is the organizational context.

(I started this discussion with Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value Part I: A new strategy: the ecological approach to the value)

Who is willing to foster successful open initiatives must act feeding the environment with the right ingredients, managing people, practices, internal and external incentives, in order to help the entire system to learn how to feed itself.… Read the rest

Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value – Part II: the right approach

In my previous post Pure Open Source and Ecology of Value Part I: A new strategy: the ecological approach to the value I said that the new strategy hasn’t been planned a priori but it derives from the analysis of its results, growth and adaptation over time.

Now, it’s time to talk over the right approach.

I think we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, but to re-use what already exists.… Read the rest

Open Core and Pure Open Source

The recent OSBC Conference in San Francisco has risen again the “never-sleeping” debate about the open core model and, generally speaking, on open source business models.  Amongsts many posts, I’ve chosen Gartner Brian Prentice’s one Open-Core: The Emperor’s New Clothes. I don’t want to extend this debate. I just would like to underline some aspects, which I apply everyday, with some colleagues of mine, on the open source approach of the projects belonging to the Engineering Group’s SpagoWorld initiative.… Read the rest