About Software Heritage project

I was very proud to be offered the chance to give a quote for the Software Heritage project, both because Roberto Di Cosmo is a friend of mine, and because I was the first manager of a software company – believing and investing in open source – to add the quote among many authoritative  open source testimonials.


The main ambition of the project is “to collect, preserve, and share all software that is publicly available in source code form”.… Read the rest

Tre parole per la trasformazione digitale

Sabato 30 maggio ho parlato di “Apertura motore dell’Innovazione Digitale” al Master in Business Administration di Bologna Business School.

[The transcript of the presentation in English language is available here]

Per una platea di futuri manager ho scelto un percorso attraverso l’analisi di tre parole che ho scelto come rilevanti per comprendere ed operare in un contesto che ci vede tutti coinvolti, come utilizzatori o fornitori di tecnologia. Oggi non si presta adeguata attenzione al significato delle parole e la loro analisi ci può procurare gradite sorprese.… Read the rest

Openness as the engine for Digital Innovation

This is the transcript of my talk given on May 28th, 2016 at the MBA PART-TIME of Bologna Business School.

Slide 1: Subtitle of this talk is “a journey with three words”.

Slide 2: Every word has a specific meaning. Do terms “individual” and “person” have the same meaning? Are they equivalent? If we have two different words, we have two different meanings, for sure. Individual term comes from Latin “individuus”, meaning undivided, unique, an entity different from the others.… Read the rest

Key values of Open Source Software: are they still relevant?

I’m leaving for the U.S.A. and going there as a supporter of open source software and SpagoBI, with a focus on Industry and Federal Government. Would you like to meet me? You just have a few days left to register: do it now!

Now, I’m going to advocate neither for the Open Source suite for Business Intelligence and Big Data analytics – a full SpagoBI Labs team will give you all information there – nor for OW2 community, which enforces the full open source maturity and availability of the suite.… Read the rest

What shall I do with Open Data

Here below you can find the text of the speech that I gave during an expert panel on Open Data taking place on October 17th at “A. Capitini – Vittorio Emanuele II – A. di Cambio” upper secondary school located in Perugia (Italy), which education on technological, economic and touristic subjects.

[The Italian original text is available here.]

Today I’m here to talk about “what we shall do with Open Data”.… Read the rest