Radical Open Source – Economics

A long time ago I wrote my first post on Radical Openness.

I promised to post something more about the Economics lying behind the Radical Openness approach, even though it is  quite a challenge for me. As both an industrial IT manager and a representative of open source communities, when dealing with open source projects I’m on the borderline between looking for their prompt success – based also on  monetary returns to grant their sustainability – and maintaining a radical open approach.… Read the rest

SpagoBI Stories – Let’s start afresh

Some time ago I published a post on this blog focused on what a story is in open source.

As for SpagoBI, its stories are  mainly customers’ references.

Let’s start afresh

I’m looking for your stories now.

I’m going to write a composite SpagoBI story. I don’t know its final format yet: it depends on what you’ll provide. You can contribute in different ways: comment this post, leave your comment in SpagoBI group on Linkedin, tweet #tellyourSpagoBIstory, e-mail me.… Read the rest

What’s a Big Data platform?

Actually, I’ve no complete answer to this question. However I know that a Big Data platform should help us to address emerging and future – partially unknown – needs, as well as to start solving present issues.

First of all we need to get a clear insight into the big data context. This blog may be helpful to this purpose.

Shaku Atre sets up a framework of rules to help define a Big Data System: the Top Ten Rules of Big Data Systems.… Read the rest

Open Source Strategies for the Enterprise

Last week, during my flight to Paris, I finally had the chance to read Simon Phipps’ book entitled  Open Source Strategies for the Enterprise.

Buy it. Great value at zero price!

I read it quite fast because I already knew its main contents: in fact, the book is a rational selection of Simon’s posts that you can find in the wild webmink blog. Nothing new to me, considering that I generally agree on many of Simon’s assertions.… Read the rest

Next FLOSS events in 2012 that you cannot miss, and I will attend!

I know that the following list may be perceived as self-referral since it includes events in which I will personally take part. However, my aim is also to encourage you to come, if you can. They will be great events. Not all information is available on the related websites yet. Therefore, as an insider, I’ll disclose some news. Stay tuned and keep an eye on the websites, where news are being updated frequently.… Read the rest